I said I would do one today, and here I am, true to my word! It's a Christmas Miracle everyone! (except in my head that was said in a really enthusiastic slighly southern American accent, which I now realise may not have conveyed as well over the internet as it would in real life, but, such is life...) I am here today to talk to you about the wonderous miracle of the...INTERNET *cue angelic choirs and such like*
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See? Niall agrees! (courtesy of imgfave ;D) |
The internet has everything I could ever need, and so much more! The internet has social media so that I can communicate with people. I can go to school on the internet and learn things. I'm one of those people who thinks of really random things, and then asks people the answers, and most of the time people don't know the answer...but the internet would know...the internet knows all. The internet can teach you how to make things, how do do things (such as dance or play instruments or put on make up so you don't look like a cheap stripper, or it can teach you to put on make up like a stripper if that's what you need. There is an endless supply of entertainment int he form of movies, TV, music and books, as well as bloggers and vloggers to keep you entertained. Obviously, there are also the darker reccesses of the internet to which I do not venture, but some people do, and that's how the internet makes them happy. On the internet you can find people who like someting that you would be shunned for liking in real life, but on the internet anonymously, it is fine to love those things, and you can meet people who like it too, and all be happy together. Also, and this may be the most important role of the internet: the internet is home to millions upon millions of...CAT GIFS!!!
Is there nothing the internet can't do?
Now it's time for another list! (This is the part where you wave your hands int he air and cry "yaaaayyyyy!!" ...just btw.)
This is a list of things that you should deffers visit while you are visiting the internet.
Tourist Guide to the Internet
If your stay here on the internet is only short, here is a list of the highlights as decided by me: Em.
Charlieee! |
Charlie was on ym list of Hot Celebrity Guys (please refer to previous two posts for full list, Charlie is on the second though...), but he's more than just a pretty face guys. This is his video blog (also known as a Vlog to those in the know, which obviously I am ;D) He's really funny and clever and adorably akward, and his vlogs (well some of them...) actually teach you stuff...like about science...it's educational guys...deffers check him out...I meant his vlog guys...jeez. :P
One of my favourite posts ;D |
Hyperbole and a Half
I'm sure that anyone who has spent much time on our wonderfully majestic internet will know of the "___ ALL the ___" memes, but how many of you know where it originated? Well this is where, on this wonderful little blog by a wonderfully clever, funny, talented artist and blogger. Sadly she hasn't posted in a while because she got depression, but hopefully she will get better and begin posting again, but in the meantime, go back and look at her earlier posts- laughs guaranteed :D
imgfaveThis is literally just a site where people post pictures. But they are really good pictures. There is nothing innappropriate, and lots of quite funny ones. Since we started going on imgfave Ang (my best friend) and I will ahve conversations, a large portion of which will consist of "oh, hey did you fee that picture up last night? The one with the monkey and the ferris wheel? Hilarious right? hahahah..." When we go on, we send the links to our favourite ones to each other via Facebook...it's kind of addictive, but it's good, because we don't both always go on every night, but at least one of us will go on pretty much every night, so we can get the highlights ;D
Michelle Phan...obvs. |
This is where the applying make up to not look like a hooker comes in. The lady is AMAZING. not even kidding, the stuff she can do with make up...wow. I can only hope that one day I can apply my make up as well as she does. And have as much make up as she does for that matter... if I ever want to learn to do something with make up- this is where I look first...
Coolmath Games Okay, I know what you're thinking...this site sounds really lame, why am I showing it to you? Is there actually something wrong with me? Why would you want to play math games? But homestly, most of the games on here have nothing to do with maths and are really fun. My personal favourite is Papa's Taco Mia, but Sugar Sugar, Sticky Ninja, Primate Pile up, the list goes on...just pick a game and play! if you don't like it? just pick another, there are plenty to choose from! have fun guys!
YouTube in general is amazing. There is no denying it. Any music you are looking for- here it is! YouTube is like the Google of videos, and who doesn't love Google? (I'm serious- if you are using Bing or Yahoo or whatever...what are you doing with your life? Google is superior, please, do yourself a favour and Google. have you ever heard someone say "let's just go Bing/Yahoo this" no, you haven't, but everyone says "let's google that" it's a verb guys. Google wins. /rant over.) But yeah, YouTube is great...all sorts of great videos...along with some not so great ones, but you just have to know what you're looking for :P
Just some suggestions of other YouTube vloggers to check out:
Liam Dryden, just btw. (He looks like David Tennant. Watch him) |
- Alex Day
- Vlog Brothers
- Kingsley
- Ray William Johnson (earlier stuff is better)
- Paint
- Sam Tsui (actually a singer...but I really like him :P)
- Dave Days
- Tom Milsom
Some of those I haven't checked out in a while...so I don't know how good thier recent stuff is...but the earlier stuff is good ;D
- AVPM or anything else by Starkid...they're a musical theatre group who do musicals (shocking right?) the musicals are really good- good music, good story lines...they're hilarious :P AVPM (A Very Potter Musical...geddit?) and AVPS (A Very Potter...Sequel!) are realllllly funny...a must watch for any Potterhead...or anyone really :D
Obviously there are many many other places to visit ont he internet, and if you've managed to find this blog, I reckon you must be a pretty seasoned internet user...The internet is an amazing place, but always be careful. I have an IT officer for a father, so I know how important it is to keep your personal details personal. If you don't want people to know something- DON'T PUT IT ON THE INTERNET!! Someone will find it eventually. And possible employers are now looking at what you ahve up on the internet...so you might want to make sure that there's nothing up that would stop you from getting a job...just sayin'.
The most important thing on the internet though, as always are Cat gifs. seriously. love those things. I'll let you have another one, because you've all been so good ;D
Here you go:
Now, I'm going to bed because I am tired as I stayed up late writing this...
Nu Night!
P.S. there probably won't be another post for a week- I'm going away and will probably have limited internet access...I know...don't miss me too much :P