Saturday, 16 June 2012

Zoo Time! Woot!

so...I know I said I'd post the other day...but well, that fell through and I didn't...I guess I kind of suck at this consistently blogging thing...but I said I would be from the start, so don't resent me...pretty please? :3
so, anyway... what will I write about todaaay??
We went to the zoo in Dubbo for the Queen's birthday long weekend and it was pretty rockin', even though I was sick and coughing disgustingly the whole time, but still! it was cool beans...we saw some pretty cool animals like:
The Wapiti- This is like a giant's actually the largest of the red deer...these things are freaking they are huge...think of a deer, then think of it HUUGE and you've got the brother decided that whent he zombie apocalypse happens (which he is fully prepared for, because he is conviced it's coming) he's going to get some Wapiti and ride them instead of using cars of whatever...which he totally could, and he's not exactly a small he is tall, and the Wapiti would still be taller...those things must be near indestructible...
Otterly in Love...(geddit?? ;D)
Otters- I love otters they're soo cute! there was one there that had this little pattern of how it would go around it's enclosure in order to get the most was so would just repeat the pattern over and over and try to get al the attention from the other otter :P then we saw them getting fed, which was adorable...these ones were the smallest variety of otters I think, though they may have been the medium sized ones, but the American sea otters can get as big as a fully grown's insaaane! Imagine a giant otter riding a Wapti! they totally could! it would be SO COOL. not even kidding...also, that picture isn't the actual otters from the zoo...I just thought it was cute, and thought my caption for it was least I amuse myself, right?

Giraffes- Giraffes are just's just a fact of life...we got to see them up really close, because they had them up the front for people to feed...I didn't get to feed them which was a shame, because the tickets sold really quickly and were all gone by the time we got there...but they were cool and I got to see them pretty close up, so it was alright...their tongues when they eat are cray...they were being fed carrots and they would just stick their tongues out and curl them around the carrot then bring it back into their was pretty awesome...but as I said...giraffes are just cool, end of conversation...there were babies! they were soooo cute!! I wanted one...but I didn't really think it would fit int he car very well to get home... :P

Lemurs- The lemurs were pretty cool too, they were just chillin on their little island...the Lemurs weren't the most exciting animals there, but I just thought I'd share that we saw what looked like one lemur gining another lemur... 'oral pleasures' shall we was brother and I stood there laughing and staring in disbelief for about five was cray :P

MEEEERKATS!!!- so, just in case you hadn't guessed already...the meerkats were probs my favourite animal there...I'm thinking that I loved them so much that I'll do another little post about them some time...because otherwise this one would get too long, but I shall fully educate you about meerkats another time...but they are SO CUTE!!! ZOMG. :P

anyway...that's all for now...see ya!!

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