Thursday, 24 May 2012

wibbly wobbly time-y wimey... Stuff

Sorry I didn't post anything yesterday, I had millions of homework to do, and my education is just kind of important...just a bit :P I still actually have homework to do, but I figured since I didn't post yesterday, and I wanted to post every day for the first week, I shouldn't really shirk another day of writing...

11th Doctor and TARDIS
So, I thought today I'd talk about one of my favouritest TV shows evaar: DR WHO! woot yeah! so, for those of you unfortunate enough to not know what Dr Who is, it's a TV show that's been going for decades, but I've only really been watching the latest 3 doctors, because they stopped for a while, then came back, and I've seen it from when they came back...but, yeah, the pretense for Doctor Who is that the Doctor is a 900 year old alien who comes from a planet called Gallifrey. Gallifrey was where all the Time Lords (the race of alien that the doctor is) lived, but then they had a huge war called the Time War against the Daleks (some other aliens that are evil and the Time Lord's enemies) and now the Doctor is the only Time Lord left. He now travels around in his space ship called the TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimention In Space, just FYI :P) which can travel anywhere through time and space and just so happens to look like a Polce Telephone obx.... Also, Time Lords have two hearts, and when they die, well get close to dying they 'reginerate' which is basically where they change what they look like and get a completely new body, along with a completely new personality, but he still has all his memories and stuff... He normally travels with a companion, who is just someone from earth (or I believe in the early series there were a few aliens...not sure though) who travels with him and help him and stuff. The companions are usually girls, but there have been a couple of guys, but they usually travel along with a girl companion...
10th Doctor ;D

I realise that to anyone who doesn't like this type of show, that this might all sound stupid and like a pointless show, but it is legitsy a really good, I really really like it. I've been watching some of the episodes from a couple of years ago, and it's really funny to laugh at the terrible CGI and animation, but the story lines are still awesome sauce, and that was also when they had the sexiest Doctor- David Tennant ;D
Since I've been watching Doctor Who, there have been three Doctors, the first was the 9th Doctor who was played by Christopher Eccleston. The 9th Doctor was a much harsher Doctor than the two subsequent ones, and he had a more superior air about him, which some people say makes him more like the Doctor is supposed to be, because he is more advanced race than humans and the like, whereas others, myself included, find the subsequent two Doctor's more "human-ness" more endearing and makes them easier to relate to as characters. The next Doctor and my personal favourite is the 10th Doctor, played by David Tennant. No only is he crazy insanely attractive, he was also funny, adorable, clever, quirky, and at one point he even fell in love, which was the most endearing, but also heart-wrenchingly sad thing ever witnessed on TV when they were separated. saddest. thing. ever. I cry every time, like sitting on the couch brother laughs at me every time :P But David Tennant was seriously the best Doctor ever, after his 5th season he decided that he really has to leave, because otherwise he would have just stayed on forever :P The current Doctor- the 11th Doctor is played by Matt Smith. he is freaking adorable. like legit, so cute...along with being rather attractive ;D The 11th Doctor is characterised for his quirky sense of fashion- namely his "cool" bowtie and suspenders and his overly happy easily excitable demeanour...he's great :D

The Doctors (top 3) and Companions

While I love all of the past three Doctors (maybe not equally (mhh...David Tennant ;D)...but I do love them all!) the Companions can be a bit hit and miss...the first companion and my all time favourite was Rose, played by Billie Piper, she was amazing, the perfect companion for the Doctor, fully trusting him and helping him and keeping him human. Rose was the companion all through the 9th Doctor and the beginning of the 10th Doctor, and the one that got away- literally...she was taken into an alternate dimension from which she could never return...saddest. ever. :'( but she was absolutely the best ever too...also, for a time during Rose's stay with the Doctor there was Mickey, her boyfriend on earth who travelled with them for a bit, and Captain Jack, who was absolutely freakin' hilarious :P (he now features in one of the sub-shows of Doctor Who- Torchwood if you want to see more of him)...the next companion is my least favourite...I really didn't like Martha (Freema Agyeman)...I mean, she was an alright as a companion, but woman, YOU CAN'T FALL FOR THE DOCTOR!! HE WILL NEVER LOVE YOU! seriously woman, keep it in your pants. sheesh. it was just annoying really...and she wasn't particularly special for any other reason- she wasn't funny, or a genius or a ninja or anything...but yeah...then somewhere along the way one of his old companions came back for little bit, Sarah Jane, but I don't really remember her...the next companion was great, Donna (played by Catherine Tate) was fantastic after Martha because she didn't fall in love with the Doctor, she was funny and critical of him and they were brilliant together...after Donna the Doctor was alone for a bit, then came Matt Smith with his new companion- Amy (Karen Gillan). At first I didn't like Amy, she just annoyed me, but once her fiance Rory (Arthur Darvill) had joined the crew, I grew to like her, but not as much as Rory who was the sweetest guy ever, like Amy did not deserve him, but some how she got him...and yeah :P The River was ther for bit, but we don't talk about River...we don't like River. At All.

I could actually go on for a lot more about how brilliant the show is, and about how the plots are (mostly) great, and the music, and costumes, and the characters, and AHH SO GOOD!! :D but this is already really long... so moral of the story: if you haven't seen Doctor Who- you should. And if you have- good on you! :D
Hopefully this wasn't too confusing or boring :P

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