Lady Rainicorn from Adventure time- for those of you who haven't seen it: do it!! :D |
I'm not really sure why I keep addressing this to an audience, I mean I've had 5 page views, four in Australia (which I'm pretty sure are all me, but if some of them are someone else, thanks!) and one view in Germany, which could easily be an accidental view, but if you did accidentally come on here and read what I wrote and thought 'hey, this chick's kind of insane, but pretty cool! I might keep reading!' or if you did mean to click on this and read it (how did you find me?!? :O :P) then you totally should keep reading, and you should recommend me to your friends and randoms on the street and would be nice to actually have people reading my blog...I feel like have some worthwhile stuff to say...well maybe not that worthwhile, but hopefully I can amuse people or something? Yeah, still not sure what the point of this blog is yet, I reckon it's just a place to write down my thoughts and such...and bring laughter and joy and rainbows and unicorns to the people of the world!!! yaaaay!! kidding, sorry...well this is awks...
So, what will I wirte about today? you ask? It's a good question, what am I going to write about? Well, I'm at school in the library right now...I have a free line, and I was like "hey, this is a good time to do another post!" so, I could write about school, but that's a bit lame, isn't it? School is school, I'm doing pretty artsy classes, because I'm cool and artsy like that...that means no maths. No science. And no P.E. YAY!! It's nice only doing classes that I actually like, because I generally don't not want to go to school anymore, because all the classes I have are ones that I chose because I am interested in, whereas last year I would jump at the opportunity to not go to school because it was inevitable that I would have either maths, science or P.E. none of which I liked very much (even though my maths teacher was hilarious, and I didn't actually mind P.E. that much...well I liked the people and the teacher...not so much the having to get changed and do excercise and physical coordination don't go together so well...I'm one of those people who throws a ball and it goes the complete opposite direction to where I was throwing it :P, also I really didn't like english last year either because I didn't like my teacher very much...and the feeling was pretty mutual...) but yeah, so I like my classes, so I've also gotten out of the bad habbit that I had last year of drawing all over my desks, which I did in maths and science because I had no intrest in them at all...but yeah, school, is as I said school...not very interesting, even though I managed to write a pretty significant paragraph on it...shh... :P
I could talk about the nails I have at the moment, they are Toucans...they're pretty cool, but I'd want to put up pictures and such, and being at school makes that just a little bit hard, you know? But maybe I'll do that tomorrow, when I can do it at home with a camera and get good lighting and take a good photo (or, you know get my exchange sister to take it, oh yeah, did I mention that we have an exchange student staying with us? well we do, she's from Finland, and she's really nice and pretty and she has an awesome camera ;D You'll probably hear about her quite a bit, along with mon bestie, because I spend lots of time with them...I don't actually say bestie, don't worry :P)

Anyway, I've written a pretty long post about pretty much you like the pictures though? I thought that yesterday's post looked a bit a boring with no pictures, and I'm slowly figuring out who this thing actually works, and how I can artfully put pictures in, instead of just having them chilling on their own line ;D
So, that is all for today, have fun!
P.S. should I put in a little dictionary of the things and abbreviations I say (such as awks and probs), or do you get me?
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