Gleek, Potterhead, Directioner, Stackette, Whovian, Panemaniac/Tribute (Glee, Harry Potter, One Direction, Short Stack, Dr Who, Hunger Games, just in case you didn't get that :P) I can Fangirl with the best of them...but I generally prefer not to. I mean, sure...I could squeal and scream and get all over excited and jumpy whenever anyone ever mentions any of these things. I could write 'Mrs. Harry Styles', or 'Matt Smith ♥♥♥' or 'I Love Peeta' on my books or desks or whatever...but what's the point? I seriously don't get it...I would much rather have a rational discussion with my friends about the latest episode of Glee, or The Hunger Games or a Short Stack song that's been stuck in my head...rather than squeal and such. Why does everyone need to know how much I "looooooooooove -enter hot celebrity's name here-" *squueeaall* just...why guys? why?
This isn't to say that I don't love bands, or TV shows, or Books...I will admit to being all those things I listed at the start, I mean sure I might like some better than others, but I do love all of those things, and I'm not going to get all offended and huffy if someone calls me a Fangirl nickname, in face it makes me feel like I'm part of something's just some people take it too far...I mean, really girls? You cry when you meet One Direction? really? Do you think they're going to remember that girl who was crying? Wait...which out of the other couple hundred of crying girls was that? No. and I know that personally I don't feel comfortable when people I know start crying...I'm sort of like "oh...there there" *pats on shoulder*...imagine having a bunch of screaming crying girls that you don't know throwing themselves at you? wouldn't that just freak you out? I know it'd freak me out...and this isn't just for One Direction...this happens way too much with things...seriously girls. Dignity. Please.
Another things that I don't get about Fangirls...the stalking...why do you stalk these people?? I mean sure, I like Dr Who and David Tennant, but I don't know where he lives. And I like One Direction, and I know their names...but that's about it...I don't know their birthdays, or their favourite food, or what colour socks they were wearing last wednesday (Liam was wearing blue ones...kidding guys! Kidding! :P). I mean sure, there's a lot of information about celebrities (especially the younger popular ones) on the internet and such, but that doesn't mean you need to use this for your own evil purposes people...and why do you even need to know those things? I mean how will knowing things like Justin Bieber's biggest fear, or Liam Hemsworth's year 7 teacher's cousin's dog's name help you at you plan on meeting them and talking about these facts that you have trawled the internet finding and committing to memory? Because, again, personally that would freak me out...probably more than crying girls throwing themselves at me...I mean, what has happened to boundaries and privacy? Sure, we can find all this stuff on the internet, but does that mean we have to? Why can't we just all let each other have our privacy and be happy? This is why we can't have nice things like the internet people...we abuse the power it gives us...
Last but not least: why do we all have to hate each other? Why can't we all live in a little happy Fangirl world where all us Fangirls get on nicely and can have reasonable conversation about or favourite Fandoms, and have a little roped off area for the people who refuse to stop squealing. Why does it have to be "Harry Potter's better than Twilight!" "Justin Bieber sucks!" "Glee is soo laaaame..." really people? Why do we have to do this? can't we all just get on nicely? All this animosity towards each other is just pointless...
Oh, I know I said that the last point was the last one...but I have one more quick one...What is with the claiming to love/hate celebrities? I will admit that I have done this, and still might do this now, but I have realised that it is sill and makes no sense, and I am trying to get rid of this can't love/hate someone you've never met...if love at first sight doesn't even exist, how can love at no sight? You can't love someone you've never met, let alone talked to...just because you have incessantly internet stalked them and know every obscure fact about them does not mean that you love just think you do. Sorry to be harsh and break it to you, but it's true. The same thing goes for hating people. Oh, you hate Justin Bieber do you? Please, tell me, what has he ever done to you specifically that has made you hate him? sure you can hate his music, or if it's an actor, you can hate the part that they play or the movie, but unless they have done something completely atrocious, I find it very hard to believe that you can hate them...
So, there is my little rant about Fangirls. Don't get me wrong, I love being a Fangirl, and I have nothing against Fangirls...I just don't get some of the things that Fangirls do...see the difference? This is not to say that I don't like popular bands or actors or nooks or fact the complete opposite...I have a list of Celebrities (mostly male ;D) that I really like, and I love most popular book series (but I am one of those people who will read pretty much anything :P)
So, yeah...hope that didn't offend anyone or anything...
Buh Bye Guys!
I totally agree! I'm a fan of a lot of the things that you mentioned, but I wouldn't cry. It really bothers me when they do that. It's like, you just met One Direction(example),so why are you crying?!?! Also, a bunch of people I know have never heard of the term Potterhead, so I thought I made it up...guess not. :-P
ReplyDeleteI know right! I just sort of feel embarassed for people who do that...And you'd think that meeting famous people you really like would be a happy thing, so why freak them out by crying?
DeleteYou have not made up Potterhead, there are many of us and we are amazing, welcome to the club ;D
Also, just thought I'd share that I did a little victory dance when I read you'd commented :P Thanks! I'll do another post tonight, sozzy I haven't posted in aaaages... :/