So, it's winter here...yay. lojks. I hate winter. It is my least favourite season...but it's not even like "oh, hey, I like all the seasons- but I just like all summer and spring and autumn better than I like winter..." no. It's "I like spring and autumn, and summer's alright, but winter? No. Just, no." winter is cold, and wet, and you can't do anything cool outside and you feel like you'll get hypothermia and die if you go outside for even 10 minutes. Also I am always sick all winter. and I'm not eve one of those people who can do being sick nice and gracefully with you know nice delicate sniffles and dainty little sneezes; no. It's gross and sick and I feel terrible. fun times right?
I mean...I can appreciate it when people like winter, it looks pretty in pictures and snow is nice, but to be warm enough in winter you have to wear so many layers of clothes that you look like you've been eating nothing but tubs of Icing for the past 6 months, and if I'm honest, I'm alright, thanks for offering though...And I guess if you live in Europe having the nice Christmas markets and such in winter is nice and the snow at Christmas, but the nice things about winter are far outweighed by the bad things.

And I know that people say that it's nice in winter to snuggle up under a blanket and have hot chocolate and read a book or whatever...but you can only do that for so long, and then you want to do other stuff...and you can't really do much in a blanket...they're kind of know? and then you have the choice of just giving up on doing anything and just sitting there in the blanket mourning you loss of ability to do anything, or you can shed the blanket and be cold...I mean, even if you put on a jumper your legs are cold. I need one of those doona suit things...but unless someone wants to send me one for those... :P
So, yeah, I don't like winter...sorry this was so short and full of complaining...I'm sick and in a bad mood and yeah...sorry guys...
anyway...hopefully the next one will be better yeah?
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