so, I would like to start off by apologising about yesterday's post...mainly about writing "ZOMG", but also that the whole tone of the post made me sound slightly insane...I was just excited about the zoo, okay? nah, I'm kidding...zoos aren't thaaaat exciting :P loljks, they totally are, but that's nmot why I sounded like I had eaten too much sugar :P
annyyyway...I had a great idea of what I'd blog about today on the walk home form work, I thought of witty things to say and everything...but then I forgot, so I'm just going to post about hot celebrity guys, because it will be fun and I'm cool like that :P
seems like I'm doing a lot of lists lately- books/guys from books, zoo animals, hot celebrity guys, and I'm planning on doing one about music sometime soon too...sorry guys, I just really love lists :P so, here we go: list number 3:
Hot Celebrity Guys ;D
Okay, so he might be a liiiiittle old, and married...but still, hottest guy over 40 ever. Ever since I saw him playing the tenth Doctor, in his suit with the big overcoat and converse and his 3D glasses, I just...yeah, he is amazing. Who wouldn't love a guy who is Scottish, but can speak in a perfect English accent, just like that? He's beautiful, end of story. Also, only guy that can pull off sideburns in my opinion, and that's saying something because I can't stand facial hair, but he pulls it off...

We all know him as dorky little Neville from the Harry Potter movies, but WOAH! what's this?! Neville is...a babe! Matthew Lewis deffers gets an A+ for going through puberty- take a leaf from his book guys: this is how you grow up. Even my brother said he would bang him- and my brother is fully straight, that's how hot he is...if only all boys could be this need to pick up your act guys...
So, people (and by people I mean teenage girls :P) often argue about who the hottest member of one direction is...even my friends do it, and we're not even hardcore fans (I have one friend who says Harry and one who says Louis- obvs I say Niall :P) I'm not saying that the others are ugly, I am just saying that Niall is definitely the most attractive...The hair, and the face, mixed with the accent and the sense of humour (and lets be honest- the love of food) and the amazing voice and the ability to play the just all works so well together to create and amazing, really hot guy...and he's only 18! I know plenty of 18 year old guys and none of them are even close to this attractive...British guys just seem to be hotter...*sigh
Darren Criss
Everyone knows Darren as the hot gay guy from Glee, but I would like say that I knew about him before that, when he was in an awesome musical that he helped write called 'A Very Potter Musical' or AVPM for short. He played Harry Potter and he was Supermegafoxyawesomehot (if you watch it you'll get it, youtube it noooow) He was adorably babin'-ly dorky and his voice- well, it's amazing...there was a sequel as well called 'A Very Potter Sequel' (AVPS) which was also awesome and he was great in. So- not only is Darren really hot, he is also super awesome too, I mean, he was in a musical about Harry Potter and now he's in Glee, he's cool guys.
Aaron Johnson (circa Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging)
For Aaron Johnson it's a very specific time period, his now is deffers not on my list, he's really let himself go a bit...I mean really, what is on your face dude? not even someone who used to be as hot as you can pull off facial hair, and he's married to a 40 something year old chick with two daughters and he's only 20-something...he's closer in age to her daughter than he is to her...and they have kids- two I think, but maybe it's only one...I don't know...that is beside the point, the point is, that at some point in the past Aaron Johnson was really hot, namely when he played Robbie in 'Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging' (a really good movie btw- you should watch it is you haven't), Sex God indeed ;D
Well, I'm only like half way through my list, and this is already quite long, and I need to go to bed, so I'll finish the list tomorrow...
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