Hey people,
What's up? I hope you're all faring well and such, and I say all because I've had 10 page views! woot! yeah! go me! and I knwo that they're not all me, because they are from around the world...I am just a little bit excited...even though it's not that many...it seems like lots to me, alright?annyyyyway...hey guys.
so, you know when you're really good at something, and you want to show people, but once you've already shown everybody once, and you try to show them again, they're like "no, gtfo. we don't care if you can ____. go away" and then you feel like your great talent is now wasted because no one wants you to do it. Well, we have this game at home (it's called Smart Mouth...it's so good!) and I'm really good at it...like I'm, not even being arrogant or anything, I am actually legitsy really good, I win every single time, and now no one wants to play with me...which makes me sad, because I actually really like the game, not just because I'm good at it, but because I like it. The way the game works is pretty much, there are these tiles, green ones and orange ones, and there's this cool machine-y thing that dispenses the tiles (but that doesn't really matter) and pretty much, one orange tile and one green tile are put out, and everyone has to think of a work beginning with the orange tile and ending with the green tile, like if you go "r" and "t" you could say "Root, Robot, Restraint, Re-elect, Reflect, Relent...etc." but the words have to be more than 3 letters, and whoever says a word first gets the tiles, and then once allt he tiles are gone you count up your tiles and whoever has the most wins. it's pretty simple, and really fun (seriously guys...it sound kind of lame, but it is REALLY fun ;D) So, I played two games of this with my mum, brother and exchange sister, and I won both games...and then no one wanted to play with me any more...I eventually convinced my mum and K (Imma just call her that, because I can't be bothered to write "my exchange sister" every time...okay?) and I won that too, and now none of them want to play with me again at all...and it makes me sad, because I like that game...and I don't understand why people do this...well I do understand, because I'm pretty sure I do the same thing, but objectively, I don't understand why people are like "so-and-so can do this better than me, so I just won't do it any more." I mean, sure so-and-so can paint better/sing better/cook better/win at cool games, but does that mean that you should give up? no, it doesn't and some people don't, but there are people out there who do, and my message to you people who do give up is: don't. just practice lots until you're better than they are, and then you have two options:
a) rub it in their face and be all "haha, you thought you were so good, but you're not are you?? haha! you suck! etc." which I must say isn't a very nice option, but it could be rather amusing...no what am I saying...I am not encouraging you to make fun of people! that's mean. don't be mean guys...
b) take the high road, and just subtly prove that you are superior to them without rubbing it in their face...and then they'll get jelly and try to beat you, and then you'll have to keep being better...how do you think progress happens people?
but people who are all "no, I don't want to play that with you/watch you do that because you're better than me..." if it's going to make them feel good about themselves, let them...I am not being superior here...I need to work on this too...so let's al work on this together, okay?

Alright, that's all for today!
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