Saturday, 3 May 2014

My Life's a Sitcom, and I'm the Butt of the Jokes.

My life isn't some stupid romcom. He isn't just going to show up at my apartment with a suitcase, a bunch of slightly wilted roses and his stupid grin. Even if he does come we're not going to have that stupid moment at the airport where I see him and run into his arms and he picks me up and ughhh. We're not going to have some stupid montage of us being cute and seeing the sights all set to some stupidly perfect pop punk soundtrack. He's not going to keep skyping me everyday with his stupid cute little face and adorable laugh. He'll get bored. He'll find someone closer. Someone prettier. Someone easier. I don't want him to, and he says he won't, but how could I have picked someone so different to everyone else I've ever dated. How can I have picked someone who's actually so perfect for me? Who's willing, nay, who wants to stay up until 5am so he can skype me for 2 hours. This can't keep up, or it will turn into some stupid romcom scenario, and I don't know how to deal with something that good.
I miss you.
Please come and cuddle me and tell me everything will be okay.
8 months is so far away.

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