I'm on holidays at the moment, so that would normally mean doing absolutely nothing but internetting, but shock-o-horror, that hasn't been the case these holidays! ;o I've actually been leaving the house and seeing actual people! I've been out for breakfast and lunch and shopping and eating Ben & Jerry's at my best buddy Khalia's house (which was delicious and hilarious- we watched the Adventurous Adventures of One Direction 2, which is equally as hilarious as the first one ;)) and I went to the Iron Man 3 midnight premiere which was AMAZING! ohmygoodness it's a fantastic movie! I just can't even handle how amazing it was, I wanted to go see it again tonight, but Khalia bailed on me to hang out with her mum, because that's what my life is ;P And tomorrow morning I'm going to the Pancake Parlour for breakfast (again) for which I am tres excited ;) (For those of you who don't know, the Pancake Parlour is this really cool vintage sort of style restaurant thing where they pretty much just sell different varieties of pancakes and pancake varieties...even savoury ones! ;o Not that I've tried the savoury ones, I normally just go for strawberries, icecream and chocolate fudge sauce- because who wouldn't? ;D)
Today was half lame half pretty good though, cause I had to work, which was lame, and I had to start at 6:30 in the morning, so I had to wake up at 5:30 when it was still legits middle of the night pitch black outside, which was super duper lame, but work was actually kind of fun today, and I got to talk to the hot new boy quite a bit, which is always a bonus ;)
Anywayyyyyys, I'm not here to write about my holidays, because while they are exciting by my standards, by regular standards they are kind of boring, and I would hate to bore people! Not that what I'm writing about will probably be thaaaat much more interesting, but oh well.
The reason this is such a huge problem though, is because while I'm emotionally invested in these people who I've never met, I struggle to fall for "real" people, which rn would be nice...because while I am incredibly good at being single, I'm kind of over it...
Well I felt like I had more to write there, but without getting creepy or weird and going into why we are totally right for each other I guess there's not much more to say...
It's so bad, I'm getting so used to the autocorrect on my iPhone, that if I type something wrong on my computer now I just expect it to fix itself, which it doesn't, so sorry for any really obvious typos I miss :P
Anyway, I've been awake for about 18.5 hours, and it really doesn't agree with me :P
So nighty night!
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