What is up, and such young people pleasantries.
I'm feeling pretty 90's white tonight, after an intense white-man dance off with my mum in the kitchen earlier to the delightful sounds of S Club 7, the ultimate bang of my childhood.
We had a practice AST test (it's like the big test that all the schools in Canberra (except of Canberra Grammar because they are weird like that) do to like scale shit or something (I reeaally pay attention when teachers talk about it)) and we had to do it in the gym because there were so many of us, and for the first and most boring (who wants to do 2.5 hours of multiple choice questions, half of which I swear to God where about fish...) it was absolutely freezing! I'd worn this adorable vintage Snoopy and Woodstock shirt, and no one got to see it, because I had to keep my jacket on and wind my scarf twice and zip everything up and I was stiiiiill shivering! So that was a super exciting enjoyable day...but then I came home to great excitement from my lovely dog, so I thought I'd write about her <3
Also, if you didn't get the title it's the punchline of a joke about dogs:
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend,
Inside a dog, it's too dark to read!
ahahaha...funny right :P
She's pretty much the dog equivalent of me- lazy, always hungry and hates doing what she's told. The only time she ever runs is for food or if mum yells at her to go to her bed. She has a little dog bed, but she never uses it. She believes it is her right to sleep on the couch, so there's a special "Molly couch" which has he little pink dog blanket on it. She used to wait until we'd all gone to bed before she'd get up on the lounge, but now she'll come in, lie on her bed for about 10 minutes, then decide she'd been there long enough and go climb on the lounge :P
She's kind of insane, and a massive attention whore. Visitors always make the mistake of patting her when they arrive, and then she won't leave them alone for the rest of the night, but she has finally understood that doesn't work with us, and if she get's annoying then we'll just playfully push her over, which she finds hilarious and just lies on the ground for a bit, before having a little rolling spaz trying to bite the carpet.
There's not really much more to say about her...she's insane, old and fat, but we all love her to bits <3
I have a party tomorrow (woot yeah!) so probs no post tomorrow unless I do one during the day...we shall see, depends how good you guys are ;P
Also, sorry for the kind of crappy picture quality, they're just photos off my phone, but look how cuuute she is! ;3
Nighty night,
Nighty night,
Sleep tight,
Don't let the bedbugs bite!
Don't let the bedbugs bite!
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