Ohmygosh sorry that I haven't posted in forever :c
I've been super busy with school, and it's midnight and I just finished an assignment and I was going to post after I finished, but I have to go to bed now :ccccc
but I super duper pinkie promise there'll be one tomorrow! I have it all planned out and everything, dw ;)
Alrighty then,
Nighty night!
Monday, 13 May 2013
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Hello World, this is Meee
It's time for another exciting instalment of shit that happens in my life that you probs don't care about! yaaay!
I don't really have much to say, so we'll just do a quick little overview because I feel like a slacker if I don't post :P
So I had the party which was super duper fun :D
I 4reals love parties, I seriously wish I was more popular so I could be invited to more (also all the people who are really popular seem to be really nice, so it'd be cool to be better friends with them, but oh well :P) but yeah, the party was cool! I talked to people I haven't talked to before/haven't talked to in forever, as well as my friends obvs. I also hooked up with the guy I kinda like, which was at the time awesome, but then after kinda shit, because he's pretty much ignoring me now as far as I can tell which is #awks. But you know, maybe I'm wrong, or maybe I'm right...it'll or sort out in the end...the only downsides were some people Anna and I don't like showing up, and also this girl who is ultimate lightweight/10 getting really drunk and people having to look after her instead of enjoying the party, oh, and also, someone threw up in the kitchen right in front of the person who's party it was' mum, which is just stupid and disgusting, so yeah...but other than that the party was super fun, and then sleeping at Anna's house the next night was really fun too :D She actually had work the next day at like 7:30, but she just got up and went to work and left me sleeping, and then I got up at around 12:30 and made myself toast and watched Wife Swap USA with her step mum and little sister :P
Then I pretty much just had school yesterday and today...which is oh so exciting :P
It was kind of hilarious in history yesterday, we were talking about the story of the ark and inconsistencies in the bible and such, and we were discussing how at one point in the story it says two of every animal are to go on the ark, and then a couple of lines later it says two of each of the unclean animals, seven pairs of the clean and seven pairs of all the birds. We were then discussing what was the difference between clean and unclean animals and one of the boys in the class just comes out with:
"Uh, when I was younger, I read this religious text that talked about unicorns and dragons, and it said unicorns were allowed on the ark because they're clean animals, but dragons weren't, because they're not..."
(or something to that effect) and the whole class looked so confused, and the teacher tried soo hard to keep a straight face, but was just so hilarious :P
Okay, lastly I just want to talk about two things I've gotten really into recently- the first is this TV show called Hannibal. It's based on Hannibal Lecter (obvs) and it's like a detective show, where Hannibal is a therapist guy, and there's this adorable not-really-detective consultant guy named Will who is (I'm pretty sure) supposed to be the main character, and they solve murders, and then there's this on going murder investigation at ohmygosh it's soo good! I seriously recommend it to anyone who likes detective shows, it's crazy good! It is a little bit creepy though, considering it is about cannibals...but other than that it's super awesome :D
The second thing is the band Imagine Dragons, tbh, I first found out about them from the Perks of being a Wallflower (which I still haven't seen!) trailer which features their song "It's Time", and I really liked the song, so I listened to some more of their other songs and it's all like musical magic ♥ Again, definitely recommend themmmm!
Alright, well that's enough for tonight!
It's time for another exciting instalment of shit that happens in my life that you probs don't care about! yaaay!
I don't really have much to say, so we'll just do a quick little overview because I feel like a slacker if I don't post :P
So I had the party which was super duper fun :D
I 4reals love parties, I seriously wish I was more popular so I could be invited to more (also all the people who are really popular seem to be really nice, so it'd be cool to be better friends with them, but oh well :P) but yeah, the party was cool! I talked to people I haven't talked to before/haven't talked to in forever, as well as my friends obvs. I also hooked up with the guy I kinda like, which was at the time awesome, but then after kinda shit, because he's pretty much ignoring me now as far as I can tell which is #awks. But you know, maybe I'm wrong, or maybe I'm right...it'll or sort out in the end...the only downsides were some people Anna and I don't like showing up, and also this girl who is ultimate lightweight/10 getting really drunk and people having to look after her instead of enjoying the party, oh, and also, someone threw up in the kitchen right in front of the person who's party it was' mum, which is just stupid and disgusting, so yeah...but other than that the party was super fun, and then sleeping at Anna's house the next night was really fun too :D She actually had work the next day at like 7:30, but she just got up and went to work and left me sleeping, and then I got up at around 12:30 and made myself toast and watched Wife Swap USA with her step mum and little sister :P
Then I pretty much just had school yesterday and today...which is oh so exciting :P
It was kind of hilarious in history yesterday, we were talking about the story of the ark and inconsistencies in the bible and such, and we were discussing how at one point in the story it says two of every animal are to go on the ark, and then a couple of lines later it says two of each of the unclean animals, seven pairs of the clean and seven pairs of all the birds. We were then discussing what was the difference between clean and unclean animals and one of the boys in the class just comes out with:
"Uh, when I was younger, I read this religious text that talked about unicorns and dragons, and it said unicorns were allowed on the ark because they're clean animals, but dragons weren't, because they're not..."
(or something to that effect) and the whole class looked so confused, and the teacher tried soo hard to keep a straight face, but was just so hilarious :P
The second thing is the band Imagine Dragons, tbh, I first found out about them from the Perks of being a Wallflower (which I still haven't seen!) trailer which features their song "It's Time", and I really liked the song, so I listened to some more of their other songs and it's all like musical magic ♥ Again, definitely recommend themmmm!
Alright, well that's enough for tonight!
Saturday, 4 May 2013
Inside of a dog it's too dark to read...
What is up, and such young people pleasantries.
I'm feeling pretty 90's white tonight, after an intense white-man dance off with my mum in the kitchen earlier to the delightful sounds of S Club 7, the ultimate bang of my childhood.
We had a practice AST test (it's like the big test that all the schools in Canberra (except of Canberra Grammar because they are weird like that) do to like scale shit or something (I reeaally pay attention when teachers talk about it)) and we had to do it in the gym because there were so many of us, and for the first and most boring (who wants to do 2.5 hours of multiple choice questions, half of which I swear to God where about fish...) it was absolutely freezing! I'd worn this adorable vintage Snoopy and Woodstock shirt, and no one got to see it, because I had to keep my jacket on and wind my scarf twice and zip everything up and I was stiiiiill shivering! So that was a super exciting enjoyable day...but then I came home to great excitement from my lovely dog, so I thought I'd write about her <3
Also, if you didn't get the title it's the punchline of a joke about dogs:
So, my dog's name is Molly. She's old, like 14 years or some such unreasonable age for a dog. She's mostly deaf and mostly blind, so if you stand behind her and say her name really loud, she won't even react, which is kind of funny when you creep up behind her and scare her :P She's a...kelpie? I want to say kelpie. I'm pretty sure that's right. So yes, she's a kelpie, and she used to be a farm dog, but she got to old and so the farmer put her up for adoption and we adopted her.
When she was a puppy she got hit by a motorbike, so one of her ears is permanently bent over backwards, and she walks kind of funny, but other than that's she's a pretty well functioning dog.
She's pretty much the dog equivalent of me- lazy, always hungry and hates doing what she's told. The only time she ever runs is for food or if mum yells at her to go to her bed. She has a little dog bed, but she never uses it. She believes it is her right to sleep on the couch, so there's a special "Molly couch" which has he little pink dog blanket on it. She used to wait until we'd all gone to bed before she'd get up on the lounge, but now she'll come in, lie on her bed for about 10 minutes, then decide she'd been there long enough and go climb on the lounge :P
What is up, and such young people pleasantries.
I'm feeling pretty 90's white tonight, after an intense white-man dance off with my mum in the kitchen earlier to the delightful sounds of S Club 7, the ultimate bang of my childhood.
We had a practice AST test (it's like the big test that all the schools in Canberra (except of Canberra Grammar because they are weird like that) do to like scale shit or something (I reeaally pay attention when teachers talk about it)) and we had to do it in the gym because there were so many of us, and for the first and most boring (who wants to do 2.5 hours of multiple choice questions, half of which I swear to God where about fish...) it was absolutely freezing! I'd worn this adorable vintage Snoopy and Woodstock shirt, and no one got to see it, because I had to keep my jacket on and wind my scarf twice and zip everything up and I was stiiiiill shivering! So that was a super exciting enjoyable day...but then I came home to great excitement from my lovely dog, so I thought I'd write about her <3
Also, if you didn't get the title it's the punchline of a joke about dogs:
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend,
Inside a dog, it's too dark to read!
ahahaha...funny right :P
She's pretty much the dog equivalent of me- lazy, always hungry and hates doing what she's told. The only time she ever runs is for food or if mum yells at her to go to her bed. She has a little dog bed, but she never uses it. She believes it is her right to sleep on the couch, so there's a special "Molly couch" which has he little pink dog blanket on it. She used to wait until we'd all gone to bed before she'd get up on the lounge, but now she'll come in, lie on her bed for about 10 minutes, then decide she'd been there long enough and go climb on the lounge :P
She's kind of insane, and a massive attention whore. Visitors always make the mistake of patting her when they arrive, and then she won't leave them alone for the rest of the night, but she has finally understood that doesn't work with us, and if she get's annoying then we'll just playfully push her over, which she finds hilarious and just lies on the ground for a bit, before having a little rolling spaz trying to bite the carpet.
There's not really much more to say about her...she's insane, old and fat, but we all love her to bits <3
I have a party tomorrow (woot yeah!) so probs no post tomorrow unless I do one during the day...we shall see, depends how good you guys are ;P
Also, sorry for the kind of crappy picture quality, they're just photos off my phone, but look how cuuute she is! ;3
Nighty night,
Nighty night,
Sleep tight,
Don't let the bedbugs bite!
Don't let the bedbugs bite!
Friday, 3 May 2013
It's me, but not. (ooh, trickyyy ;P)
Okay, that is actually cray. I was on here like 2/3 hours ago and there was one pageview today, and now suddenly there's 14 ;o that's the second most I've ever had! You go Glen Coco (you are Glen Coco, just btw ;P)
I want to give you guys a present for being awesome, but I don't know what ;c
I don't really have much to say today, I just wanted to share how proud I was of myself for having people reading my blog ;3
I was going to tell you guys a *very exciting* story about my current struggle and torment with the horrible-ness that is iTunes, but then I realised it was an incredibly boring story, so I won't tell that story, unless there is a particular want for that story, in which case I will, because I'm pretty much up to writing about anything you guys want, you just have to say the word, but up until that point I shall not tell the incredibly un-riveting story of my poor iPod.
Instead I am going to tell you a lovely magical story called: The story of my best friend (and I...becoming friends and being friends and shit, because #yolo that's why)
yaaay! ;P
So, I met my best friend for the first time on my first day of high school back in Australia after living in Vienna for three and a half years, and I was totally #devo about moving back, because I had really awesome friends and I lived in an amazing city, and I was like "Australia is going to be totally crap compared to this and I'm not going to have any friends (because, let's face it, I'm not the type of person who's particularly good at making new friends...) and it's going to be totally crappy." And I was sort of right. Canberra is pretty crap compared to Vienna as a city, but I love the friends I eventually
made, to absolute pieces, like I couldn't imagine having better friends (for the most part anyways) but it wasn't always like this. I was shown around the school by a lovely girl by the name of Heidi, and she was lovely and let me sit with her and her friends for the first couple of weeks, and she was actually the one to introduce me to Anna.
We were outside of my french class and Heidi didn't have class with me, and she was like "This is Anna, she's really nice. I have to go to class" and then she left me to fend for myself. Now, to put this in context. I was in a new school. I'd been there for like two hours and I've never been good at talking to people I don't know and suddenly I was expected to talk to this girl I'd never met, who for the record is also shit at talking to people she doesn't know (though she is better than me) so we had a little stinted conversation and then her friends (who are now all my other friends :P) and she talked to them and I was there by myself. They sort of tried to include me, but only in that way where you try to include someone because it'd be really rude not to, but I got that and I didn't mind, because I knew their feel.
And then it was time to go into class and they all went and sat at a table together, and then suddenly the table was full and I just thought "well shit." so I sat at a table by myself. Talk about social suicide, right? But we moved on from that incident, two other people sat with me and I looked less like a total loser :P
So to begin with I thought Anna was a bit of a bitch, but obvs that changed ;P
A couple of weeks later I went on writer's camp (yep, not a total loser ;P) and that's where I met someone else, who shall remain nameless, but we became really close friends over those couple of days, and so I started to hang out with her and her friends at lunch time instead. So though we're not friends any more, I really owe a whole lot to her, and I'm actually pretty cut that we're not friends any more, because I did consider her one of my best friends, but oh well. I guess that's life, right?
Anyway, after that I started talking to Anna more and more, and soon enough we realised that we were pretty much the same person, just in two different bodies, like that whole ancient greek belief thing in which people are actually born with two heads and four arms and legs, and then they were split and they have to find their other half, well that's us. Which I know sounds corny, and like what everyone says in high school, but there are just some people you know are going to be in your life until the end. And that girl is my person. Not even a question.
So we've been friends now for about...well only about three years, but it feels like I've just always known her. It's quite strange actually. We spent the last two years of high school being *bestest buds* and that remains now.
We've dealt with a multitude of boys (two boyfriends for her and a couple of crushes, three boyfriends for me, and a plethora of crushes because that's just how I roll ;)), we've dealt with bitchy girls at school, problems at home and family shit. We've had so many in jokes that I can't even remember most of them, and we can have entire conversations just in looks, no words needed. When her boyfriend of a year broke up with her, she called me at eight pm, and I was over there 20 minutes later, ice cream, chocolate and Tim Tams in hand. And when they got back together, I was sceptical, but supportive, and remain supportive to this day, many months on. When I fell for guys I could never have, she's stuck by me, told me to go for it if she actually thought I had a chance, or told me to stop being an idiot if she knew I didn't. I went to the coast for a week with her Dad's family the summer before last, and it was one of my favourite weeks ever. Her mums' (yes, that is correct grammar, two mums at that house ;P) house is practically a second home to me, and my house the same thing for her. It's even gotten to the point where people (mainly my brother) are convinced we are secretly a couple because we're that close.
So yeah, some how this completely insane little platinum blonde girl has become my life line. The most important person in my life. If I have something I can't tell anyone, I can tell her, and she probably already knows, because she just knows me that well. She's like the older sister I've never had, sharing her life wisdom with me, but also like my little sister too, I would do anything to stop her from getting hurt.
So, ultra cheesy post, but you know, if you're going to know about my life, it's pretty much necessary that you know about Anna too, because anything that happens, she's a part of.
1) sorry if this is really weirdly formatted, it was fine, but then it wasn't and I tried to fix it, but then I couldn't figure it out, and it's past midnight, and I have school tomorrow, so I need to go to bed...so maybe I'll try fix it tomorrow, but for now I'll just put it up, because even if it looks a bit funny, it's the content that counts, yeah? yeah.
2) this post has literally taken me forever, and in that time it's gone up to 29 pageviews ;OOO woohoo! Ultimate Glen Coco-ness!
3) If there's anything you want me to write about, please tell me, otherwise I'll just talk about random crap for the rest of forever, and I wouldn't want to bore people, so yeah!
Okay, bed time now 100% (I am so tired I almost just wrote percent after the % :P)
nighty night!
Keep being awesome!
~edit (3/5/13) I fixed the formatting problems, which means it looks different, but content is still the same, dw!~
I want to give you guys a present for being awesome, but I don't know what ;c
I don't really have much to say today, I just wanted to share how proud I was of myself for having people reading my blog ;3
I was going to tell you guys a *very exciting* story about my current struggle and torment with the horrible-ness that is iTunes, but then I realised it was an incredibly boring story, so I won't tell that story, unless there is a particular want for that story, in which case I will, because I'm pretty much up to writing about anything you guys want, you just have to say the word, but up until that point I shall not tell the incredibly un-riveting story of my poor iPod.
Instead I am going to tell you a lovely magical story called: The story of my best friend (and I...becoming friends and being friends and shit, because #yolo that's why)
yaaay! ;P
So, I met my best friend for the first time on my first day of high school back in Australia after living in Vienna for three and a half years, and I was totally #devo about moving back, because I had really awesome friends and I lived in an amazing city, and I was like "Australia is going to be totally crap compared to this and I'm not going to have any friends (because, let's face it, I'm not the type of person who's particularly good at making new friends...) and it's going to be totally crappy." And I was sort of right. Canberra is pretty crap compared to Vienna as a city, but I love the friends I eventually
made, to absolute pieces, like I couldn't imagine having better friends (for the most part anyways) but it wasn't always like this. I was shown around the school by a lovely girl by the name of Heidi, and she was lovely and let me sit with her and her friends for the first couple of weeks, and she was actually the one to introduce me to Anna.
And then it was time to go into class and they all went and sat at a table together, and then suddenly the table was full and I just thought "well shit." so I sat at a table by myself. Talk about social suicide, right? But we moved on from that incident, two other people sat with me and I looked less like a total loser :P
So to begin with I thought Anna was a bit of a bitch, but obvs that changed ;P
A couple of weeks later I went on writer's camp (yep, not a total loser ;P) and that's where I met someone else, who shall remain nameless, but we became really close friends over those couple of days, and so I started to hang out with her and her friends at lunch time instead. So though we're not friends any more, I really owe a whole lot to her, and I'm actually pretty cut that we're not friends any more, because I did consider her one of my best friends, but oh well. I guess that's life, right?
Anyway, after that I started talking to Anna more and more, and soon enough we realised that we were pretty much the same person, just in two different bodies, like that whole ancient greek belief thing in which people are actually born with two heads and four arms and legs, and then they were split and they have to find their other half, well that's us. Which I know sounds corny, and like what everyone says in high school, but there are just some people you know are going to be in your life until the end. And that girl is my person. Not even a question.
We've dealt with a multitude of boys (two boyfriends for her and a couple of crushes, three boyfriends for me, and a plethora of crushes because that's just how I roll ;)), we've dealt with bitchy girls at school, problems at home and family shit. We've had so many in jokes that I can't even remember most of them, and we can have entire conversations just in looks, no words needed. When her boyfriend of a year broke up with her, she called me at eight pm, and I was over there 20 minutes later, ice cream, chocolate and Tim Tams in hand. And when they got back together, I was sceptical, but supportive, and remain supportive to this day, many months on. When I fell for guys I could never have, she's stuck by me, told me to go for it if she actually thought I had a chance, or told me to stop being an idiot if she knew I didn't. I went to the coast for a week with her Dad's family the summer before last, and it was one of my favourite weeks ever. Her mums' (yes, that is correct grammar, two mums at that house ;P) house is practically a second home to me, and my house the same thing for her. It's even gotten to the point where people (mainly my brother) are convinced we are secretly a couple because we're that close.
So yeah, some how this completely insane little platinum blonde girl has become my life line. The most important person in my life. If I have something I can't tell anyone, I can tell her, and she probably already knows, because she just knows me that well. She's like the older sister I've never had, sharing her life wisdom with me, but also like my little sister too, I would do anything to stop her from getting hurt.
So, ultra cheesy post, but you know, if you're going to know about my life, it's pretty much necessary that you know about Anna too, because anything that happens, she's a part of.
1) sorry if this is really weirdly formatted, it was fine, but then it wasn't and I tried to fix it, but then I couldn't figure it out, and it's past midnight, and I have school tomorrow, so I need to go to bed...so maybe I'll try fix it tomorrow, but for now I'll just put it up, because even if it looks a bit funny, it's the content that counts, yeah? yeah.
2) this post has literally taken me forever, and in that time it's gone up to 29 pageviews ;OOO woohoo! Ultimate Glen Coco-ness!
3) If there's anything you want me to write about, please tell me, otherwise I'll just talk about random crap for the rest of forever, and I wouldn't want to bore people, so yeah!
Okay, bed time now 100% (I am so tired I almost just wrote percent after the % :P)
nighty night!
Keep being awesome!
~edit (3/5/13) I fixed the formatting problems, which means it looks different, but content is still the same, dw!~
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